Hallowe'en 2008!

Here are a few pics from our Halloween night this year. We wound up with a whole lot fewer photos than previous years, probably due to the sheer chaos of having that many children in our home at one time! My wife, for the second year in a row, managed to completely avoid being photographed. Perhaps she no longer appears on film? She seems to reflect just fine in the mirror in the mornings, so I dunno. I digress.

Click on the images to see the whole picture. For some reason, I can't seem to get these to go smaller.

The Kids (as Obi-Wan and a Vampiress):

With their cousins (as a "Bling Fairy" and Don Corleone):

With friends:

Your's truly as Mr. Voorhees:

Witchy dog:

Inside the house (for some reason, we didn't get much in the way of exterior shots):


Great photos Gilly...I am just now getting around to checking out some of what I missed since I disappeared last October. I told you was going to start back on the Hallowe'en Tree and I did. It's hard when you're busy. But anyway, these are great, but I see that you are dressed as the stuff of my nightmares...ha ha! You'll have to reference your Crystal Lake Brats Friday the 13th blog for that. Anyway...it's just 5 months until Halloween again. Better start planning now.

OH...and there is a flyer I posted on my blog about a 'Dark Carnival' party being held in Dallas. Aren't you close to there? You should go...looks like a total blast. I'd go if I lived there. Okay...talk soon my friend. And it's when you stop seeing your wife's reflection in the mirror...that you know you have a problem! Ha!

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