Bad Years's been an interesting couple of years. By "interesting", I actually mean "fairly shitty", but I don't want to seem overly negative. But yeah, for the most part 2014 & 2015 sucked monkey balls. The most recent in the long, ongoing cavalcade of crap was me losing my job due to a huge corporate layoff. This led to five months of unemployment, with me only recently finding a decent job. It's been rough, with the loss in income leading to us putting our house on the market. Even having a new job, there is no way to escape the inexorable pull of the financial black hole. In order to escape this event horizon, we had to jettison some weight...which means our house.

Now, I know this is all coming across as me being a giant downer, griping about his ill fortune. I really don't mean to at all. We'll survive, and there are certainly folks who have it far worse than we do. We'll move into a smaller home, whereas many people will NEVER have a house at all. Compared to what many people go through everyday in this world of ours, the problems my family has faced are minor by far. In fact, I see many of these misfortunes to be blessings in disguise. It occurs to me that a new house, even if it's smaller, is a new opportunity to haunt! Just in time for the Halloween season, we should be moving in the very near future. Time to load up the hearse and find a new place to creep out! Here's hoping we don't have uptight neighbors with strong religious objections or something!

Still trying to convince the wife we need a place like this:

Anyway, I know I go months and months now without a blog entry, and I always say I'm going to try to get back in the swing of it. Well, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I DO plan on getting back to blogging soon! No, really! I mean it this time!! Why are you laughing???


Dr. Theda said…
We wish you the best, good Sir ... and hope that your new home is to your liking...
A great weekend to you and yours...
Guillaume said…
Sorry to read you had a bad year. Unemployment is never easy, especially when it happens suddenly. I had my string of bad luck too, back in 2008 when I lost my job after only three months on it. It took me ages to find something decent. So I feel your pain. At that time, blogging was the only thing that kept me sane.
Unknown said…
I know, it's been ruff. Hard to focus on Halloween when you can barely keep yourself fed. Congrats on landing the new gig though!

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